I'm Abdu Rauf

Digital Marketing Strategist in Malappuram

About Me

I am Abdu Rauf, a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, focused on providing valuable instructions to entrepreneurs for growing their businesses with the help of digital marketing by increasing brand visibility and promoting their business growth.

As a digital marketer, I have a keen knowledge of SEO, SEM, web design, and content marketing like advanced methods for creating a better user experience to attract the audience to businesses and make them long-term customers. As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, you can expect the best work done with responsibility and the best result from me.

I have successfully graduated with my Digital Marketing course at CDA Calicut, which has increased my knowledge and skills in digital marketing. If you are looking for a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram to grow your business and increase your brand visibility, let’s start the journey to your success together with a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram.

Digital Marketing


Digital marketing, in simple words, is the process of doing marketing through and using digital platforms. In this technological era, digital marketing stands at the forefront of promoting brands and doing other marketing things. As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I want to make it clear that digital marketing is about connecting brands with potential customers through the wide opportunities of the internet and many other different digital communication channels.


Digital marketing has evolved into the fastest-growing industry. It changed the way in which brands connected with their audience. Digital marketing has some advantages over traditional marketing methods by saving money on brand promotions and reaching a wider audience. However, the true mastery of digital marketing lies in utilizing its ultimate power of mass reach and engagement.


Why do you need a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram?

Increased Reach and Visibility

By working with a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, you can reach a much larger audience than you could with traditional marketing methods. You can target your ideal customers online, regardless of their location, and connect with them on the platforms they use most.

Increased Engagement

Digital marketing allows you to interact and engage with your customers in a way that traditional marketing methods cannot. You can use social media, email marketing, and other online channels to build relationships with your customers and create a community around your brand.

Improved Brand Awareness

Digital marketing can help you build brand awareness and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience on social media, you can get your brand name out there and make a lasting impression

Competitive Advantage

In today's competitive marketplace, it's more important than ever to have a strong digital marketing presence. With digital marketing, you can gain a competitive advantage over your rivals and establish yourself as a leader in your industry.

Cost Effective and Measurable

Digital marketing can be a very cost-effective way to reach your target audience. Compared to traditional marketing methods, such as television advertising or print media, digital marketing campaigns can be much more targeted and measurable

Targeted Marketing

With digital marketing, you can target your ideal customers with laser precision. You can use a variety of targeting options, such as demographics, interests, and online behavior, to reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services

“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is- it is what consumers tell each other it is.”

Work with a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram and make your brand connected to people.

Our Services

What i can provide you as a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram

image of search engine optimization for website of digital marketing strategist in malappuram

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of increasing traffic to a website and improving its ranking in search engine results

image of social media marketing for website of digital marketing strategist in malappuram

Social Media marketing, also known as SMM, is the art of promoting your business and its products or services through social media platforms and social networks.

image of content marketing for website of digital marketing strategist in malappuram

Content marketing is a process of distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract customers.

image of search engine marketing for website of digital marketing strategist in malappuram

SEM or Search Engine Marketing, is a process used to advertise your business through paid listings in search engine result pages.


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E-mail stands as the most easily usable method for promoting your business. It serves as a direct and efficient means to communicate


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Web design combines the art and science of creating visually appealing and functionally effective websites.

Importance of a Digital Marketing Strategist in Malappuram

Malappuram’s unique mix of tradition and modernity shows both challenges and opportunities for digital marketers. As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, it’s necessary to develop strategies that interact with people while using the full potential of digital platforms.

Social media has fueled the need for a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram. With the diverse demography in the district, digital platforms help to deliver content that focuses on older and younger generations separately. Digital platforms have become a powerful tool for businesses to engage with audiences and increase brand loyalty.

The booming of e-commerce further increased the need for digital marketing strategist in Malppuram. As the business evolved to online platforms, digital marketers took charge of optimizing websites, enhancing user experience, and implementing effective strategies to increase online trades. The digital marketing strategist in Malappuram is not only an advertiser but a facilitator of brand growth in this digital era.

My Blogs

digital-marketing-strategist-in-malappuram-image for industry trends in digital marketing
Industry Trends in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving industry, with new trends and strategies constantly emerging. Staying up-to-date with these trends is crucial for businesses looking to remain competitive in today’s digital landscape. In this article, we will explore the current industry trends in digital marketing and how they can benefit your business, as per my view as a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram.

Digital-marketing-strategist-in-Malappuram-blog-image for Data Visualization in Digital Marketing: Turning Numbers into Stories
Data Visualization in Digital Marketing: Turning Numbers into Stories

Data visualization plays a crucial role in digital marketing, as it allows marketers to effectively communicate complex data and insights by transforming numbers into interesting stories. By visualizing data, marketers can go beyond the raw numbers and analytics to create engaging narratives that resonate with their target audience. In this article, i am explaining my view as a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram about the importance of numbers in marketing.

Digital-marketing-strategist-in-Malappuram-blog-image for Turning Social Media Followers into Paying Customers: A Step-by-Step Guide
Turning Social Media Followers into Paying Customers: A Step-by-Step Guide

Social media has become essential for businesses to connect with their audience and promote their products or services. By implementing a strategic social media marketing plan, you can effectively turn your social media followers into paying customers. As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I can say that one of the key benefits of social media for businesses is its ability to bring consumers to e-commerce stores.

Digital-marketing-strategist-in-Malappuram-fourth-blog-image for blog Mastering the Metaverse: Exploring Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses
Mastering the Metaverse: Exploring Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses

The Metaverse has the potential to revolutionize how businesses operate and interact with customers. By creating immersive virtual experiences, businesses can engage with customers more dynamically and interactively, leading to increased brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. In this article, we are going to look opportunities for and challenges for business in metaverse, in my opinion, as a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram.

From Student to Digital Marketing Master: A Roadmap to Your Dream Career

Digital marketing is a rapidly growing field that offers many opportunities for individuals with the right skills and knowledge. Due to the wide range of job roles available in the market, the demand for digital marketing professionals is very high. Social media manager, SEO specialist, content marketer, email marketer, and digital strategist are some of the common job roles we can see in the market. In this article, we will explore digital marketing as a career from my perspective as a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram.

SEO For successful online presence

The business environment is changing quickly, and there is less opportunity to attract customers. Search engine optimization, or SEO, has become an essential component of any business. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of making adequate changes to the content of the website to rank higher on SERP pages with some relevant keywords that target your potential customers. As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I want you to be aware of the benefits that you are going to have from SEO, like increased visibility, which can help you grow your business to new heights.

Ultimately, SEO creates website traffic if you use keywords with high search volumes that are relevant to your business. SEO is not like other paid advertisements, which create a lot more quality organic traffic by users who are actively searching with keywords that are related to products or services. Most probably, they will become your paying customers. As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I believe you can successfully make your brand visible to highly interested people actively looking for your business as their solution through SEO.

SEO also helps to build credibility and trust, along with increasing traffic. When users see your website constantly at the top of SERP results, it will create a lasting impression about your brand in their minds. It will make sense that your website is an excellent source of accurate and useful information. Also, it will help you get a chance over your competitors with a low online presence. As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I want to say that SEO is crucial for brand awareness. When users see your website at the top of the SERP results, it will create a positive impact in their minds about your brand.

Recent Update
Google Core update and multiple spam updates 2024

Google has taken multiple measures to improve the quality of search page results. Google has released the March 2024 core update and several spam updates. Also, Google’s way of ranking websites has changed. Now, instead of having a separate system to check for helpful content, they use many things together to decide which websites show up first in search results. This means that creating high-quality and informative content is even more important for getting your website seen on the initial pages of the search engine result page (SERP). As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I want to share more about the update with you.


As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram I can say that, digital marketing helps you deliver your campaigns to targeted people beyond boundaries. With the use of digital marketing in your business you can connect with your existing customers and also attract new ones to your business, which is important for business growth and brand awareness.

As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I offer various types of services to support and boost the growth of your business. Some of them are SEO, SMM, E-mail marketing, Web designing and development. And also as a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram i can help you in your business growth.

As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, my key responsibility is to analyze data from various sources like website analytics, email campaign metrics, and social media insights. Then use this data to develop and implement a strategic plan for digital marketing.

As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram I want to say that developing a digital marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals begins with a clear understanding of what you aim to achieve. Be in touch with a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, then start by defining your objectives, whether they involve increasing sales, enhancing brand awareness, generating leads, or fostering customer engagement. With these goals in mind, conduct thorough market research to identify your target audience’s demographics, preferences, and behaviors.

This insight will inform your choice of digital channels, allowing you to focus on platforms that resonate most with your audience and support your business objectives. From there, work with a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram and craft compelling content tailored to your target audience’s needs and interests, optimizing it for search engines to improve visibility and drive organic traffic with the help of a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram.

Engage with your audience on social media, building relationships and fostering brand loyalty. Connect with a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram and consider implementing paid advertising strategies to reach a wider audience and drive targeted traffic to your website or landing pages. Continuously monitor and analyze your performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts, making adjustments as needed to stay aligned with your business goals and adapt to changing market conditions.

It’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements as a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram and best practices in the field to offer effective solutions to local businesses. One effective method is to actively engage in industry events and conferences, both online and offline, where you can glean insights from experts and peers in the digital marketing community.

Regularly following reputable digital marketing blogs, websites, and social media accounts can keep you informed about emerging trends, tools, and techniques. Being part of online communities and forums specific to digital marketing also fosters networking opportunities and knowledge sharing among fellow digital marketing strategists in Malappuram.

Traditional and digital marketing are used to reach audiences for promoting products and services, but in different ways. As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I want to say that traditional marketing is the way to promote through conventional methods, whereas digital marketing is the way to promote through online platforms and digital channels. In my opinion, as a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, digital marketing is way better than traditional marketing.

Every business aims to generate more profit through their activities of promoting products and services. In small businesses, in my opinion, as a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, they usually do marketing through traditional methods. It will make them shrink in visibility. By using digital marketing, there is a vast opportunity to reach customers through different online channels and social media platforms. As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I can say this will increase their visibility to customers and help grow their business.

As a digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, I believe digital marketing is suitable and important for business. For example, Study Abroad Consultant in Kochi, Certificate attestation services, etc. Like this, we can easily reach any business with the help of online marketing. that means digital marketing is suitable for any type of business.


Let's Talk

Are you in need of a Digital Marketing Strategist in Malappuram?       

We would be really happy to hear from you if you have any questions or suggestions.

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